Trail Life USA Logo

Troop IL-8758

Harvest Bible Chapel, Elgin IL

Trail Life USA Logo
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Vision of Trail Life

More than ever, boys need a uniquely masculine program where their assertive, audacious, and adventurous nature is celebrated, not sequestered.

Let Boys Be Boys

Too many boys are turning to virtual worlds of television, video games, digital media, and the internet to find realms they can conquer and areas where they can excel. The result of this virtual conquest is often apathy, apparent rebellion, or outright resistance to real-world challenge.

Trail Life USA is an environment where boys thrive! Adults are equipped to lead a program in a structured outdoor environment where boys are engaged in real-world challenge and experience camping, hiking, and fishing; they develop skills in riflery, archery, and canoeing; and learn character and leadership in a practical hands-on manner that is naturally engaging.

In the outdoors, the experience of adults is never obsolete; boys find mentors, fathers and sons connect, important relationships are fostered, and boys find opportunity to achieve significant accomplishment.

Program Overview

Woodlands (K-5th grade)

fox patrol

Fox Patrol (5 & 6-year-olds - must be 5 years old by 10/31)

We do require a parent to accompany their Fox TrailMan at all meetings & events.

hawk patrol

Hawk Patrol (7 & 8-year-olds)

mountain lion patrol

Mountain Lion Patrol (9 & 10-year-olds)

Boys on the Woodlands Trail (age 5-10) gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.

The Woodlands Trail covers 7 'Branches' of learning: Heritage, Hobbies, Life Skills, Outdoor Skills, Science & Technology, Sports & Fitness, and Values. Each Branch consists of 3-5 'steps' that are covered at Troop Meetings. Each Branch will have a corresponding 'Hit the Trail (HTT),' a field trip outside of our normal Troop meeting that allows the boys to experience a new adventure.

Campouts, Elgin Public Museum, local Fire House tours, sleepover on a submarine or MSI are just some of the examples of past HTTs. TrailMen can make up for missed meetings or missed HTTs by completing Family Home Activities (FHAs). The TrailMan Handbook lists out the corresponding FHAs for each Patrol and Branch. TrailMan can earn the Worthy Life Award by participating in their Patrol's Bible Study and completing the appropriate spiritual disciplines like Bible memory.

Adventurers (9th-12th grade)

Adventurers leading activities

As Adventurers, young men ages 14-18 mature in wisdom and faith through more difficult challenges and leadership activities with Christian men walking alongside. They plan and lead outdoor events and large projects while exercising leadership positions in the Troop, even mentoring some of the younger TrailMen. Adventurers are challenged with more advanced required Trail Badges; Citizenship, Emergency Preparedness, FamilyMan, Fitness, Outdoor Life, & Personal Resources.

Youth Safety - 1, 2, 3

  1. No One on One: Adults will never be in a one-on-one situation with anyone other than their own son
  2. Two Deep Leadership: We always have 2 approved Trail Life Leaders at every event, group, gathering
  3. Three TrailMen together: TrailMen are always in groups of at least 3 TrailMen

Fees & Expenses

Troop Fees

Trail Life USA Membership Fee

Annual membership: $37/TrailMan - this goes to the Trail Life USA Home Office for program development, training, insurance, etc. Paid directly to Trail Life USA through Trail Life Connect.

Event Fees

Each event has its own fee to cover the cost. For example, weekend campouts are about $25-$30/person, which includes 5 meals, the site fee, and supplies for any activities.

Adult Volunteer Fees

Adult Volunteers may need to maintain a Trail Life USA membership ($43/year) and secure a TrailMan's uniform. Adult uniforms are $22.50 as the Troop picks up 50% of the cost.

Parental Involvement

Due to our continued growth as a Troop, we encourage every family to serve the Troop in a volunteer role. Some have direct contact with the TrailMen & some are behind the scenes. We also understand it is not feasible for everyone. Parents/adults who serve in a volunteer role will receive a $100/TrailMan discount on their Troop fee.

Direct Contact Leaders & Trail Guides

Due to the direct contact nature of these roles with the TrailMen, these roles are reserved for men who can be fully approved as HBC & Trail Life volunteers (Background check, complete HBC training, complete TLUSA training, maintain a $43/year Trail Life USA membership, and purchase $22.50 Troop uniform)

Troop Committee Volunteers

These roles can be filled by any adult but becoming a Trail Life approved volunteer is required. Becoming a TL USA approved volunteer includes Background check, Youth Protection Training, & $43 annual membership fee to Trail Life USA

Non-direct Contact Volunteer

These roles can be filled by any adult as they do not have direct contact with the TrailMen.

Volunteer Nursery Caregivers

Serve the Troop by caring for the children of AHG/TL volunteers during Troop Meetings. Volunteer must become a fully approved Harvest Kids volunteer

Troop Calendar

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