Woodlands (K-5th grade)

Fox Patrol (5 & 6-year-olds - must be 5 years old by 10/31)
We do require a parent to accompany their Fox TrailMan at all meetings & events.

Hawk Patrol (7 & 8-year-olds)

Mountain Lion Patrol (9 & 10-year-olds)
Boys on the Woodlands Trail (age 5-10) gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.
The Woodlands Trail covers 7 'Branches' of learning: Heritage, Hobbies, Life Skills, Outdoor Skills, Science & Technology, Sports & Fitness, and Values. Each Branch consists of 3-5 'steps' that are covered at Troop Meetings. Each Branch will have a corresponding 'Hit the Trail (HTT),' a field trip outside of our normal Troop meeting that allows the boys to experience a new adventure.
Campouts, Elgin Public Museum, local Fire House tours, sleepover on a submarine or MSI are just some of the examples of past HTTs. TrailMen can make up for missed meetings or missed HTTs by completing Family Home Activities (FHAs). The TrailMan Handbook lists out the corresponding FHAs for each Patrol and Branch. TrailMan can earn the Worthy Life Award by participating in their Patrol's Bible Study and completing the appropriate spiritual disciplines like Bible memory.