2022-2023 Finances
The following is a breakdown of initial and annual costs.
Please note these costs are subject to change annually.
TrailMan National Membership $30.70/TrailMan per year
- Paid directly to Trail Life USA each year
Adult Volunteer Nat’l Membership $35.68/Adult per year
- Paid directly to Trail Life USA by adult volunteer each year
- Required of Direct Contact Leaders, Trail Guides, and Troop Committee Members
Troop Dues $160/TrailMan per year
- Helps cover Troop budget to supply regular troop meetings and awards.
- Parent/adult can receive $100/TrailMan discount by volunteering in a Troop role
- Scholarships available. Contact TrailLifeElgin@gmail.com for eligibility
Trailman Handbook $18 (as needed)
- One Handbook for Woodlands Level – Grades K-5
- One Handbook for Navigator/Adventure Level – Grades 6-12
Trailman Uniform Shirt $45 (as needed)
- Same Uniform is used at all levels, Youth & Adult.
- We recommend going up a size or two since your son will wear for several years
Class B Troop T-Shirt $18 (optional)
- Casual Tee shirt to be worn at campouts, etc
Campouts/Events Additional charges vary based on event